Monday, April 20, 2009

Tunes to chill to...

Hey guys, sorry about the delay between posts but I've been busy doing grad applications. Well I don't know about you but I had a pretty fantastic weekend. I caught up with friends for half price margaritas at Taco Bills and then we came back to mine for a chilled night. This got me thinking about a playlist or mixtape for a chilled night in with mates. There are a couple of ground rules that must be followed before I get into my list. First, don't play anything with too many beats as it will distract from your relaxed party, event, cocktail party or movie night etc...etc... Second, don't play anything too commercial, you want people to ask who that is but don't be too pretentious about this (cos' we all hate music snobs *wink, wink*). Third, nothing too unknown e.g. french new wave with more synthesizers than you can poke a stick at you don't want to scare your guests away. It is essential you have to find the right balance and then you are off and away.

Without further adieu this is how I would start a mixtape for a laid back partay.

1. White Winter Hymnal - Fleet Foxes. A great song and the return of bands that write songs with great harmonies like Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young did. It has a cinematic feel to it and was one of my albums of 2008.
2. Zero - Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Wow!! An electro-punk song to get the party started without taking the roof off. But its just the type of song that you wanna groove to whilst sipping cocktails and having a good ole' time with friends.
3. Dusk Till Dawn - Ladyhawke. She is all about the great hook that is addictive in every sense of the word. I have a high regard for artists that make good pop songs rather than just have hype e.g. Britney Spears' latest album.
4. Kelly Watch the Stars - Air. I have loved Air since the beginning and their videos are amazing particularly this one. This song has a sci-fi quality to it so check it out
5. The Greatest - Cat Power. She changed my perception of the female singer/songwriter and after hearing about her and this record of the same name I went and re-explored singers like Joni and Janis and discovered Joan Baez. This one just feels right at the point in a party where its winding down and you've still got a few drinks in your system.

Well thats it please precede to your right for samples of the above songs!! Also, I will have The Killers review from V up at some point tomorrow.

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