Saturday, May 30, 2009

Bands That Changed Me: U2

My introduction to U2 was unusual as I was always aware of them. I can even remember seeing the video for ‘Please’ and I had heard ‘With Or Without You’ on the radio but it was not until ‘All That You Can’t Leave Behind’ came out that I really took notice. As it is with any band that have a long career before I discover them I go back to their early stuff and listen and read what the critics and people say about them. I came to discover that first, U2’s early stuff was f***ing amazing especially their innovative work in the 90s and the fact they make a distinct effort to reinvent themselves with every album. Secondly, they are a band that reflects many of my views on politics, human rights, humanitarianism and social activism. This was the career path that I wanted and still am taking. To put it shortly I became obsessed with their music and their work, not just Bono’s solo efforts to initiate change but the way the whole band have worked on issues and have embedded this within their music. I’m constantly in awe of them! Also, their live shows are out of this world as they have put on some of the most visually stunning tours particularly ZooTV and PopMart. A U2 tour always uses huge screens and they and their production team are pioneers in their ability to design a set that despite the large venues they play has a level of intimacy for fans. I think the heart-shaped pit with people in it and around it on the Elevation Tour perfectly illustrates this.
The band also continues to make improvements so that we get the most value for money and the opportunity to see something new every time they go on tour. I was lucky enough to see them on their Vertigo Word Tour but I would give almost anything to go back in time and see them on the ZooTV and PopMart Tours. Since this is not possible I have to console myself with my ZooTV ‘Live from Sydney’ and PopMart ‘Live from Mexico City’ DVDs. I urge you all to go and get these as they are some of the most brilliant tour concerts ever and even if you’re not a fan you won’t regret it as I’ve converted a few with them. Anyways, they’re also going to be on their 360° Tour this year which is proving to be just as big as their others so keep an eye out for any footage, I certainly am and will post it here!

U2 in my opinion are the last of the great bands in the truest sense of the word as they represent a great unit that all have an equal say in the song writing process, direction and touring. But most importantly they are still relevant and writing great songs whilst being the best live band around today. I have so much faith in them that I have a particular line from 'One' tattooed to me with space to add one more line!


Anonymous said...

My mum reckons the best concert she ever went to was the first time that U2 came to Australia and they played in small venue.
It's hard to believe there was a time when they weren't massive.

music=love said...

Did she see them on the Lovetown Tour?

Anonymous said...

I think U2 will always stand out in our lives not just for their awesome music, but also for the social movements that Bono has been involved in.

music=love said...

I totally agree with you liggybee! I would also add that it's the fact that the band have stayed together for 30 yrs with the same original 4 members who still get along with each other. They work as a unit...