Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Circus Starring Britney Spears Live in Oz...

Britney is finally doing a full tour here in November and yes, I remember when she first arrived on the pop scene and was perceived as an innocent girl singing pop tunes when in fact they are layered with double meanings. Who could have guessed the rollercoaster career she has had?? Anyways, I was never a fan but now I can appreciate her songs as just catchy little pop songs, nothing more, Also, they often translate to amazing covers e.g. Travis' version of Hit Me Baby One More Time and Lily Allen's Womanizer.

I have no doubt she will draw a large crowd to her Down Under shows and I won't be going but maybe some of you guys in the blogosphere want to so here are the details...

November 6th: Perth, Burswood Dome
November 11th: Melbourne, Rod Laver Arena
November 12th: Melbourne, Rod Laver Arena
November 19th: Sydney, Acer Arena
November 20th: Sydney, Acer Arena
November 24th: Brisbane, Brisbane Entertainment Centre

Tickets will be available through Ticketek on Monday June 29th to Wednesday July 1st for the Visa Entertainment Internet Pre-sale and Friday July 3rd for the General Public.


Anonymous said...

I was a huge fan back when she was dating JT and she was like, you know, a total virgin.
Mind you, I was about 8 at the time.

I won't be going to this. While it would be kind of cool to all nostalgic and see her live, I have a feeling she'll probably just lip sync her way through the whole concert.

music=love said...

Even though that whole virgin thing was a load of BS she seemed to have a good head on her shoulders when she was with JT. The concert reviews from her US Tour suggest she does lip sync her way through and if I was going to get all nostalgic I would see Hanson who I was an uber-fan of!!!

Anonymous said...

I was a bit young for Hanson. I was in kinder when mmm bop came out(I remember thinking they were girls because they had long hair!)