Friday, June 19, 2009

Bands and Artists to Watch: Noisettes

Noisettes are one of the most amazing bands I have never heard of until someone, you know who you are demanded I YouTube them. The singer and bass player Shingai Shoniwa has one of the most unique voices out there and when I did eventually YouTube them I was immediately drawn to their cover of ‘When You Were Young’ by The Killers. It was stunning and once I got to their original stuff I was completely blown away. I’m now officially hooked!!! I want to get their first album and all their EPs too....ohhh and I wouldn’t mind seeing them live.

I wonder how I missed them as they’ve been around in terms of favorable coverage by music mags and supporting some big acts like Muse, Bloc Party and Babyshambles and yet they only formed in 2003. I’m looking forward to getting ‘What’s The Time Mr. Wolf? (2007).

Here is a lovely taste of their work courtesy of YT

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