Monday, February 9, 2009

Grammys 2009

Just a quick wrap up of the Grammys 2009. I usually don't pay attention to the awards itself as they don't always represent the best of music but I do tend to dig the performances. However, I am impressed that Adele, (my girl) M.I.A., Duffy, Radiohead and Death Cab for Cutie got noms.

Best Performances:
Sugarland (honestly don't know much about them but they actually sounded quite good might go check out their album) and Adele...wooohooo!!!
M.I.A with a bunch of rappers incl. Jay-Z and Kanye West. I would of preferred if she just sang Paper Planes on her own but nevertheless, still awesome especially since she was so pregnant.
U2- Ok, it rates because its the first live performance I've heard of Get On Your Boots and it was AWESOME but I have to say that the sound was not good at all and that goes for all performances. I don't know what it is with award shows but the sound always comes out a bit distorted and its not the artist's fault
Coldplay- Decent performance but even better song!
Paul McCartney- DUH! I don't even have to justify this with anything. He performed 'I Saw Her Standing There' with Dave Grohl on drums which RAWKED ON!!!


RADIOHEAD- Fricking awesome! I just think that this band is totally innovative and don't give a shit about the mainstream which in many ways is not to their benefit but they just keep doing what they it! I adored them with the USC Marching band and I think that they should be doing more mainstream things like the Grammys so everyone else can see what we truly great they are.

Adele winning Best New Artist. I didn't care who got it as long as it wasn't the Jonas Bros but I do prefer Adele over Duffy.
Radiohead winning Best Alternative album. They should have won album of the year but if I were to choose from artists that were not nominated I would have gone for Fleet Foxes.
Coldplay- winning a few big ones including SOTY. They are stepping out of U2's shadow which can only be a good thing. They should really thank Brian Eno though as he reinvented their sound.

Dissapointed that Death Cab for Cutie didn't win Best Rock song they deserved it. Also, would have liked Estelle and Kanye West to have won SOTY though Coldplay was a decent pick by the Academy. ROTY should have gone to M.I.A but they're not going to honour something that unique.

Ok thats it for now!!


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