Also, the band will be appearing in an episode of Gossip Girl and will be on American Idol May 6th. Check it out live if you can but I'm sure it will be all over the net soon after so no need to worry about missing them!
"I dig music."- Russell Hammond
It's a bit strange to see Gwen Stefani without the harujuku girls!
Do you reckon there's any chance of an Australian Tour?
I know it is a bit weird seeing her with the band again. I doubt they will tour here until they release their new album and that isn't due until sometime in 2010.
aahhh...Gwen is back with No Doubt! Love them. I got to know this when they were performing live at the Kodak Theatre stage in american idol. I hope they tour to Singapore.
It's good to see more fans of Gwen in No Doubt rather than Gwen the solo artist. I hope they tour Singapore too as they are more likely to come to Australia then.
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