This as a good a time to introduce the latest aspect of my blog. STYLE. I love music and style. Now I'm not just talking about fashion and the trends for the season. I mean individual style that shows your personality and makes you feel comfy. I'm all for experimentation that sometimes doesn't pay off and fun in the stuff you have to wear everyday of your life practically. Although, I'm a believer in the classics like white shirts, tailored pants and amazing accessories (number 1 really). In reality this actually links with music easily since artists today relate their music often to a particular style. We all think Lady Gaga's outfits are a bit out there but I think it shows the type of artist she wants to be; edgy whether this is actually true will depend on whether you like her music.
This is why from now on I think this blog should be about the 2 things I like most that aren't my family and friends. I will show you all that I am inspired by in this world whether it be through my love of music which really did come first and effortless style. By the way, I will not necessarily post outfits of what I wear because there are a zillion blogs that do this and do it well. Mainly you will get an insight into what I think is interesting and will reinterpret for myself.
So to start off, an exciting package came my way today from the awesome store ASOS and it included a few things including a 21st bday pressie for my cousin which I will not post here but I did geta few bargains shipped here including brogues, motorcycle boots and a cardy for the boy...woohooo! All things that I will wear forever. Did I tell you I rarely get rid of clothes unless they're worn to death...

Everything here is easy for me to wear.
See you all soon and it will be a lot sooner then I've been around recently. Loz
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