The next few tracks continue with that bass line and a bluesy vocal but what stands out is that each song holds its own. Take for example ‘8th Wonder’ which is more rock based than say ‘Love Long Distance’ which is sampling with synthesizers and sequencers. The whole tone of ‘Love Long Distance’ is far more restrained as Beth just sings it and does not just belt it as she does on ‘8th Wonder’. The interesting use of percussion to create a unique rhythm makes ‘Pop Goes the World’ a fabulous party song and every time I hear it I feel like getting up and having a good ole’ dance, of course this is in the privacy of my own home. ‘Vertical Rhythm’ has a bit of a similar feel to ‘Heavy Cross’ which makes it lose some points in my books but don’t let that dissuade you as it still is a great song in its own right. I adore ‘Men In Love’ what a brilliant tune and I can gather a gay/lesbian rights theme through it. I mean the line “...men in love, with each other. Hey!...Shame, shame, shame...” says it all. I can’t help but ask if this is a somewhat autobiographical or personal song for Beth but who really cares its F***ING AWESOME. By this point in the album I have to admit that I’m kind of hearing some of the more boring aspects of the record. ‘For Keeps’ didn’t inspire me and I don’t think I would have noticed if it was missing from the album altogether. ‘2012’ feels like some of their work on 'Standing In The Way Of Control' but there is a particular few lines that I think are genius and just gets me.
“...a tragedy brings misery
misery loves company
company is misleading
I’ve made it this far...”
The last 3 tracks maintain the same course as there is no slowing down for the listener. The momentum is always there and the second last track ‘Four Letter Word’ could be the best on the whole record. I adore the use of keys and the subdued use of bass which is so present on the rest of the album. The only thing that I really question is the ordering of some tracks as it seems this song could be better suited further up but maybe it’s a conscious effort by the band to create a feeling. Closing with ‘Spare Me From the Mold’ is perfect as the intensity here balances that sexy opener of ‘Dimestore Diamond’.
This album shows the rise and rise of Gossip, a band worthy of the success they are receiving and I’m definitely considering it in my top 5 albums of 2009. They aren’t big here but that is about to change as they entered into the Australian album chart at number 13. This is huge for a band that many of my mates know nothing about. Fingers crossed they tour here and I’ll finish by saying if you like Gossip’s previous work you will definitely feel this. For all those new listeners get Music For Men as it is totally worth your hard earned money.
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