The setlist was a full assault of their great indie hits and the band as a whole sounded right on, like a band that knew they wanted to get the whole crowd off. The crowd felt this and my brother and I sang our little hearts out along with most of the audience. Even those around me who were really hanging our for The Killers were like these guys aint bad and were ready to buy their records. I have to say with the benefit of hindsight they were on equal footing with The Killers in terms of setlist, performance, environment and band presence and charisma. They certainly held their own and are worthy of headlining festivals in the future. COME BACK SOON GUYS!!!
Setlist is as follows:
- Spanish Metal
- Everyday I Love You Less and Less
- Everything Is Average Nowadays
- You Want History
- Ruby
- Good Days Bad Days
- Na Na Na Na Naa
- Love's Not a Competition (But I'm Winning)
- Modern Way
- Never Miss a Beat
- I Predict a Riot
- Take My Temperature
- The Angry Mob
- Oh My God
Photos © 2009 music=love

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